PYP5 Exhibition and Italian Exams meeting

PYP5 Exhibition and Italian Exams meeting

PYP5 Exhibition and Italian Exams meeting 1500 1199 School Office Vicenza

Dear PYP 5 parents,

We are delighted to invite you to ‘The PYP5 Exhibition and Italian Exams (esame di idoneità) meeting’ which will be held at school on Tuesday 25th of February between 16:00-17:00. As always there will be the opportunity to attend also online. Here is the information to join.  

The meeting will be presented by Ms. Salome, Ms. Anna, and Ms. Asli. 

The Exhibition represents a significant event in the life of a PYP 5 student as it is the culmination of the child’s journey through the Primary Years Programme. All the school community will be engaged and will participate in this important moment in the life of your child. And the exams are a way to monitor our students’ knowledge and understanding of the main concepts and skills the PYP aims to develop. 

Please enroll in the workshop by filling in this form.  

We hope to meet all of you at the workshop,

Our warmest regards,

Ms. Salomé, Ms. Anna and Ms Asli.